Thursday, January 31, 2013

How to get rid of Urinary Tract Infections - Nobody ever says the stuff that works!!!


It drives me crazy how almost NOBODY is talking about Probiotics, and how they can prevent a UTI. When I googled "How to get rid of a UTI" this article below (scroll down) is the very first entry that came up. It drives me crazy how it says "Only an antibiotic can get rid of a urinary tract infection."  I feel that is very misleading, when Probiotics are VERY effective, and much better for you. That's a bit like saying, "Only a doctor can deliver your baby" when women have been giving birth without doctors, for a million years. Yes, I do realize this author has probably never heard of the Probiotics approach, or tried it herself, AND the people at this company have to cover their butts and say "see a doctor" but... it still drives me a little crazy.

I realize, people don't talk about Probiotics largely because they just don't know, but... it's really frustrating to think of all the time and money I wasted over the last 20 years, suffering from UTI's, when I probably could have cured it myself.

If you would like more info on how I got rid of my UTI, just CLICK HERE. I swear I am making one damn dime off Probiotics or Cystex (the two things I recommend), but it will give me a huge amount of satisfaction to know that other women are able to know about something that actually works. I wish someone told ME to do this, 20 years ago!!!!!

I tried to do a post on "Askville" but all the posts I saw about it were closed for commentary. When I tried to do a brand new post to spread the word, it was removed because I had posted a link. 

But for the short time it was up, I did get a few comments on my post, and this one idiot (whose username I am withholding, and I am guessing has never used Probiotics to treat a UTI) wrote the following typical, totally bogus advice, in response to me telling people to use probiotics:

"Anything but probiotics.

Probiotics may be of limited help in reestablishing the boojums you need in your digestive system. But adding boojums to your colon won't and can't do anything to your bladder. Two totally different and separate and unconnected systems. And adding germs to one won't reduce germs n the other.

You need antibiotics. Or taking a lot of diuretics like tea or cranberry juice with the hope that you can pee faster than the germs can multiply. They double about every 20 minutes, so to win this race you have to fill and empty your bladder at least once an hour, for at least 10 hours. Done right that will reduce the germs by a factor of a million which may be enough to extinguish them. So lots of tea and peeing every hour. Or antibiotics."

It really irritates me how there are so many naysayers in this world, who will say "NO YOU CAN'T DO THAT, THAT WILL NEVER WORK," when they have NO IDEA, AND NEVER TRIED IT THEMSELVES. I think people love to come across like they know everything, and it is much easier and faster to blab on about all the reasons why something won't work, than to even consider the possibility of something new. 

I GET it that it DOES NOT SOUND like Probiotics would work.  7 years ago when I had the WORST UTI EVER, I had to leave work because it was so bad (I had a fever and the chills), and a dear co-worker friend went out and bought me a ton of stuff to help me feel better. That included a bottle of Probiotics, which I never bothered to take because let's face it, it sounds insane, and it sounds like it would NEVER WORK.

Just like this dum dum above just said, "Two totally different separate and unconnected systems."  I mean, I was one of those dum dums who actually believed that. I GET IT THAT PROBIOTICS DO NOT SOUND LIKE THEY WOULD WORK, BECAUSE A UTI SOUNDS TOTALLY DIFFERENT THAN SOME KIND OF INTESTINAL PROBLEM, WHICH IS WHAT MOST PEOPLE, MYSELF INCLUDED, BELIEVED IS THE ONLY REASON TO EVER TAKE PROBIOTICS.  

BUT I WAS WRONG.  I HAD NEVER TRIED IT. And for whatever god forsaken reason, it actually WORKED.

Whenever I would get a Urinary Tract Infection, it would immobilize me. It was like I was brain dead and couldn't concentrate on ANYTHING, couldn't get any work done. It was like, the most unproductive state you could be in. I imagined the only thing that could be more painful and uncomfortable would be childbirth. But at least with childbirth, it's productive and you are "producing" a baby.

With a UTI, it's a complete waste of everyone's time. And given the fact that UTI's alone generate SIX BILLION DOLLARS IN DIRECT HEALTHCARE COSTS, IN THE UNITED STATES ALONE, you would think people would be more prone to trying to cure it other ways that actually work, right? Wrong. I hate to be cynical, but now I am thinking the Healthcare industry would LOVE to keep things right where they are, and just keep recycling all this bogus advice, because LOOK AT HOW MUCH MONEY IT'S GENERATING, TO SEND PEOPLE TO THE DOCTORS FOR ANTIBIOTICS, when the bogus advice of drinking cranberry juice never ever works!!! Why in the world would they want to actually tell people that Probiotics could work? Think of all the money that would be lost.

It disgusts me that people insist antibiotics are the only way to cure it.  Part of the reason I'm so passionate about this is, doctors drugged me up with so many antibiotics for acne, when I was a teenager, I think that is the reason why I've had so many recurring UTI's as an adult.

OK I'm done ranting about this. Try it, or don't try it, people. All I can tell you is, it totally worked for me. And if it works for you, would you PLEASE do me a favor and pass it on and tell as many people as you can. And please email me to let me know how it went. 

Again - here is the post I wrote to show exactly how I got rid of my UTI... just CLICK HERE.  


This is the article I was referring to earlier. It's just like all the other articles out there, that say to drink cranberry juice, water, avoid sex. Nobody ever talks about Probiotics.

So you had what my emergency room doctor referred to as "vigorous sexual intercourse," and now you're peeing blood. Or maybe it just burns when you pee, which is confusing because you're pretty sure you don't have a sexually transmitted infection. And there are other symptoms, too, like you have a fever, you feel like you have to pee all the time even when you don't, you ache, and it really, really hurts when you have to pee. I mean, really. Like, you won't drink any water, anything just so you don't have to pee anymore. But if it is just a urinary tract infection, don't worry. There is help. You won't die, even if you want to.
Urinary tract infections may be caused by many different things, but a common cause is the introduction of bacteria into the urethra. Women are more likely to get urinary tract infections than men because their urethra is much shorter and bacteria find it easier to get into the bladder via that short distance. Vigorous sexual intercourse can push bacteria into the urethra where it travels to the bladder. Once bacteria has made it into the bladder, then they reproduce quickly, causing all kinds of nasty symptoms like the ones listed above.

Removing the Problem

Get rid of a urinary tract infection by drinking water. If these symptoms of a urinary tract infection start showing up, the peeing frequently, the pain when peeing, the fever and the aching, then start drinking water. Though it seems a little contrary to what you're feeling at the time, the water will work the voodoo that it does do and will get rid of the UTI symptoms for a little while. This, however, will only buy you time. The infection in your bladder will remain and can get worse. The water only makes you feel human enough to get to the doctor without peeing all over yourself. And yes, after 15 UTIs, I have peed on myself. Don't be ashamed. Sometimes you can't help it.
See a doctor about your urinary tract infection. UTIs are bacterial infections, and that means that you need an antibiotic. Some bacterial infections will go away on their own, but this one will just get worse and worse until you want to die. Really, the pain can be quite bad. And the infection can get backed up into your kidneys and become quite serious if you wait too long. So, go and visit your doctor. Your doctor will also be able to properly diagnose you and eliminate other serious illnesses that can cause similar symptoms, such as a sexually transmitted disease or kidney infection.
Cure a urinary tract infection with antibiotics. The only way to really get rid of a UTI is with antibiotics. A quick appointment with your doctor, a small urine sample to check for bacteria in your urine, and a quick keep-your-clothes-on-exam is all you need. Most UTIs are fairly simple and require only a three day course of cheap antibiotics to clear cup. What's even better is that the antibiotics are so fast working that the scream-while-you're-peeing pain that comes with the UTI is gone in less than a day. Usually by the time you're on your second dose, you're not afraid of the sound of running water.
Use AZO to get rid of urinary tract infection symptoms.Once you have your antibiotics and your water, then it's all about treating your symptoms. AZO can do that. There are other brands, but this is the one I use. It is a urinary anesthetic. It relieves the pain, burning, urgency and frequency of urinating with a UTI behind. Other pain relievers like ibuprofin or asprin don't touch any of those common urinary tract infection symptoms. But AZO does. You can treat your symptoms within half an hour, instead of twelve. And, if you're as much a fan of vigorous sexual intercourse as I am, you'll have a full box in your medicine cabinet, just in case.
Remain urinary tract infection free by abstaining from sex. Your doctor should explain this to you, but in case you missed it: Yes, you should abstain from sex until you have completed your cycle of antibiotics. Of course you'll miss the vigorous sexual intercourse (I really like saying that), but the memory of the agony of the pain can help you keep the muffin shop closed. Leave your body enough time to heal. But don't worry, your course of antibiotics should only last about three days. And then it's back to your vigorous hobbies.

How to prevent urinary tract infections

Fear not. This plague of your nether regions is not inevitable. And no, you don't have to give up vigorous sexual intercourse, either. Just take a couple of these following steps and you can significantly reduce the number of UTIs that you have, barring any major medical issue, of course.
First, urinate before, but most especially after, sexual intercourse. This will keep your bladder empty so the bacteria doesn't have a swimming pool in which to reproduce, and it will flush bacteria out of the urethra. If you've got the skills for it, urinate in a stop-and-go manner. This will increase the chance that bacteria will be flushed out.
Always stay hydrated. Water will help you do everything, including lose weight, get rid of acne, have more energy and stay healthy. But it will also keep your urethra clean by making you pee as your normally should. Also, never hold it. That's right. Live life to the fullest and pee when you're feeling it. You'll thank me later.
If these steps don't work for you, go in and talk to your doctor again. There is the option of a low dose of antibiotics that you can take after sex to prevent a urinary tract infection. This can only be prescribed by your doctor and is meant only for chronic infections. And, if you ask me, it's a more fun alternative to abstinence.


While drinking water and cranberry juice and taking AZO can get rid of urinary tract infection symptoms, it will not get rid of an infection. Only an antibiotic can get rid of a urinary tract infection. Natural remedies are not a cure for UTIs: doctors and antibiotics are.

Natural UTI Remedies

AZO. This over the counter medication can be found at most Walmarts and most drug stores. A single dose of Azo will get rid of your urinary tract infections within the hour and last for quite a while. It will, however, turn your urine a consciousness-altering shade of orange. Do not panic. Or wear white underwear. Also, Azo does NOT treat the infection, so you still have to see your doctor.
Cranberry juice is a tart and tangy way to relieve the symptoms of a UTI, help prevent a UTI, promote urinary tract health and get a healthy dose of Vitamin C. Drinking a few ounces of this a day will help you pee right. And if you do end up with a urinary tract infection, cranberry juice will help get rid of the urge to pee when you don't have to, and get rid of the burning when you do pee.
Water. Drink lots of it. You gotta hydrate. Drinking water will help dilute the icky infection in your urinary tract infection. That constant urge to pee will lessen, as will the sensation that you are whizzing out hydrochloric acid. Water is critical to a healthy lifestyle anyways, so you should really keep on that one anyway. Clean water is easy to find for free or to purchase, so you have no excuse.


This is a discussion found online, re: Urinary Tract Infections,, but nobody talked about the stuff that actually works, and my posting was removed. 

Can  Go Away WITHOUT Antibiotics?
Beginning of last week, I noticed my bladder was becoming more spastic. I was also pretty tired and then my urine got cloudy and was smelling funky. For sure, I figured I had another  So I took a sample in on Thursday morning to get checked. Starting Thursday night, I was in an indoor ball tournament. After the game, we sat in the beer garden WAY to long and I had quite a few whiskeys. Bladder didn't bother me much. Friday, I get up and  and notice my urine is clear. I went out of town on Friday and fully expected my bladder to give me grief for indulging the night before. It ended up not bothering me at all. Friday night, the tournament continued and I once again visited the beer gardens with a similar performance. Saturday and Sunday went by with clear urine and no spastic bladder. It's now Monday night and I am still feeling good with no apparent symptoms. However, my doctor called today telling me my labs came back positive for some kind of bug that is sensitive to  and sulfa. He gave me a prescription, but I am wondering if I should hold off taking it until the symptoms come back? Is it possible to get rid of a  on my own? Or, is it just that the symptoms are not pronounced right now and I should take the antibiotics and get it over with?

I could conclude that every time I feel an  coming on, I should got out and drink rye and cokes until the wee hours of the morning.  However I thought I should first ask the advice of those who are a bit more educated than I. 

I've always been told that you have to have antibiotics to get rid of the  and I think I'll be going on them tomorrow myself for one. Damn it was a year ago the 1st week of April when I got my last one and damn things usually knock me out of the game for around 5 days  Take the pill before it comes back with a .

I can usually tell when I have a  coming on and I push the fluids. For me, it's the clarity of my urine and whatnot that I use as a telltale sign. So, I would've drank a lot of water on Thursday when you first noticed your urine was funky. I would've also  more frequently to decrease the time the urine sits in the bladder. And it's also probably worth mentioning that I would have not sent my urine to be tested, so I would probably not be questioning its state as you are now.

Is there a reason you are trying to avoid the antibiotics? Do you find that you've been taking them a lot in the past?

To answer your question, I'm sure it's possible for your body to fight the infection on its own if you give it the resources it needs. But, you won't know for sure unless you have it tested again since you currently have no apparent symptoms.
 injury with partial  function on left.

I can usually tell when I have a  coming on and I push the fluids. For me, it's the clarity of my urine and whatnot that I use as a telltale sign. So, I would've drank a lot of water on Thursday when you first noticed your urine was funky. I would've also  more frequently to decrease the time the urine sits in the bladder. And it's also probably worth mentioning that I would have not sent my urine to be tested, so I would probably not be questioning its state as you are now.

Is there a reason you are trying to avoid the antibiotics? Do you find that you've been taking them a lot in the past?

To answer your question, I'm sure it's possible for your body to fight the infection on its own if you give it the resources it needs. But, you won't know for sure unless you have it tested again since you currently have no apparent symptoms.
 injury with partial  function on left.

I can usually tell when I have a  coming on and I push the fluids. For me, it's the clarity of my urine and whatnot that I use as a telltale sign. So, I would've drank a lot of water on Thursday when you first noticed your urine was funky. I would've also  more frequently to decrease the time the urine sits in the bladder. And it's also probably worth mentioning that I would have not sent my urine to be tested, so I would probably not be questioning its state as you are now.

Is there a reason you are trying to avoid the antibiotics? Do you find that you've been taking them a lot in the past?

To answer your question, I'm sure it's possible for your body to fight the infection on its own if you give it the resources it needs. But, you won't know for sure unless you have it tested again since you currently have no apparent symptoms.
 injury with partial  function on left.

I can usually tell when I have a  coming on and I push the fluids. For me, it's the clarity of my urine and whatnot that I use as a telltale sign. So, I would've drank a lot of water on Thursday when you first noticed your urine was funky. I would've also  more frequently to decrease the time the urine sits in the bladder. And it's also probably worth mentioning that I would have not sent my urine to be tested, so I would probably not be questioning its state as you are now.

Is there a reason you are trying to avoid the antibiotics? Do you find that you've been taking them a lot in the past?

To answer your question, I'm sure it's possible for your body to fight the infection on its own if you give it the resources it needs. But, you won't know for sure unless you have it tested again since you currently have no apparent symptoms.

I went over two years post injury without having to take any antibiotics. Over the past two, I have been getting an  every couple of months. I don't want to take any more antibiotics than I have to. However, last  I had, I left it too long. I had a really busy schedule at the time and put off getting it tested.  It ended up going up into my kidneys. That put me down for a couple of days and I had to go on a much stronger antibiotic to get rid of it. I won't be doing that again.

I've changed up a few things with my technique but haven't hit on the combination that keeps the  away.  I'm just trying to learn as much as I can about the darn things...


This is an interesting question. I would ask what the method your clinician uses to diagnose a . If  was diagnosed from a urine culture along (without a Complete blood count/CBC) and in the absence of any other symptoms, you may have showed some colonization that comes and goes.

However, if the  was diagnosed with a CBC and you had other symptoms at the time, you probably need antibiotics. Personally, I would have this discussion with your doctor who knows your bladder history and decide if a more current urine culture is needed.

I must say that I have heard of people's symptoms clearing up with alcohol, though that makes little sense to me as alcohol is usually a bladder stimulant and worsens symptoms.

You would benefit from reading the CDC guidelines on diagnosing a  (elevated , positive culture, other symptoms such as fever, increased spasms,etc)and sharing this information with your doctor. I have been unsuccessful finding the link and don't want to delay sending this response. I will send it later.

Damn! Glad you are OK bob!

When I was a kid I used to get strep throat all the  time, and I always got the terrible shot in the ass. I grew to hate that so much that the next time I didn't tell my mom I was sick and avoided her as best I could. I got pretty sick but oddly I never got strep again.

One time a few years back I thought I had a , all the normal problems but it tested neg. I think I may have hurt my bladder, perhaps putting the \ line in to far. Or maybe from a fall, I don't really know. Could be that too, just an idea or heck maybe there was to much sediment. I sure have a lot sometimes!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Caffeine and TTC - Giving in to the occasional caffeine blowout

Today I went ahead and gave in and had a Visalus "Go." In addition to my large mug of Cafe D' Vita Mocha Mix decaf, and my usual Daily Neuro. So at this point, I've probably had at least 200 mg. of caffeine.... and I feel GREAT.

I should mention that I got my period today (one great thing about Fertil Plus... it makes me SOOO regular! I had it last month on the 29th also). I feel like I should be disappointed that Aunty Flo showed up after all, but honestly I wasn't really expecting to get pregnant this month. I didn't take a single ovulation test, and wasn't trying nearly as hard as I did the month before. I had a little too much caffeine, didn't eat any yams, didn't have half as many veggies as I did the month before, and probably didn't drink enough water either. I still was taking vitamins and other supplements but... just wasn't burning myself out like I did in December.  I just had to take it down a notch... for my own sanity!

I always wonder, when is the worst time in your cycle to "overdo it" with caffeine. My guess is, it's when you're ovulating, since the dryness and the acidity you experience won't exactly help the sperm get to where they need to go. But who knows, maybe it's even worse to do it on Cycle Day 1, because that's when your eggs are just starting to develop, or get ready to be released? Maybe I'll never  know. All I know is... today, I really felt like I needed the extra caffeine, and I just went with it.

I have a LOT of cleaning to do today. And I mean... A LOT. I realize excessive caffeine is not good when you're TTC, but then again, when you have as much cleaning to do as I do right now, and it's starting to depress you... in my opinion it's a lot better to do what you have to do, to get the cleaning done quickly and feel better about yourself in the process, than letting it pile up and be depressed... even though you are mostly "caffeine free."

I've started to realize, in the last year of TTC, and not having as much caffeine as I usually like to, I haven't been as productive as I usually am, when I have more than 100 mgs. of caffeine. It's not that I haven't been busy or productive at all. I have. Visalus Neuro has been great for giving me just enough of a boost, every day, to be productive. In the last year, since TTC (and also to try to avoid back problems), I've been really "good" about not having too much caffeine. I usually just have one Neuro per day (45 mg. of caffeine) and that's it. If you don't count the occasional piece of chocolate.

But when it comes to cleaning.... I realized, I really did benefit from those occasional days where I'd have, say, 3 cups of coffee, to just BLAZE through a project, like cleaning my office, in order to just GET IT DONE. And I haven't allowed myself to do this at all, in the last year.

Well, this last month I had more caffeine than usual. The biggest "caffeine day" was on Saturday night when I went all out and had a large Mocha from Starbucks (it was decaf, but still I think it must have had at LEAST 50 mg. of caffeine), plus half a Coke Slurpee I split with a friend of mine when we went to see a movie. I also had some chocolate. And a Neuro during the day. And a Cafe D' Vita Mocha (large mug of it). So, I probably had at LEAST 200 mg. of caffeine that day...

But I was LOVING IT. I felt GREAT!!!

I will admit, caffeine is like a wonder drug for me. In the same way that some people are addicted to cocaine and drugs... I kind of have a thing for caffeine. It really, truly helps me from becoming depressed, which is part of the reason why I was so miserable when I was pregnant. Not only was I hormonal, but I had stopped taking caffeine AND stopped exercising, altogether!!!

When I have a really good jolt of caffeine (between 100-300 mg) I feel like, everything in life suddenly looks easy. Things that really seem hard, will suddenly seem to look easy. I look at things in a much more positive light when I'm jacked up on caffeine. It makes me feel so good!

I have no idea if this is going to make any difference whatsoever, but I'm going to try to balance out the extra caffeine by taking extra Oil of Evening Primrose, Vitamin E, Vitamin B Complex, and Vitamin D, on days when I have too much caffeine.

You can read more about Caffeine and how it inhibits vitamin absorption, in this article.

I'm also going to force myself to drink an extra visalus shake (with vegetables in it) on days where I do a little overdosing of caffeine. I realize, this may not completely make up for overdoing it but... at this point, I have to just do it and pray for the best.

I will concede that EXERCISE is really the best stimulant, and if I were exercising more, I would probably be a lot more productive and not have to have the extra caffeine. I just haven't gotten back into the groove yet... but I am planning to!

OK time to get off the computer and utilize this buzz I just got from the Visalus Go, and GO CLEAN!!!


Monday, January 28, 2013

101 Celebrities Who Got Pregnant / Gave Birth / Became Mothers After Age 40

Who says it's just about impossible to have a baby when you're 40 or over??? 40 is the new 30, baby!

If it really was *that* hard to get pregnant after 40, I can't imagine I would have been able to find over 100 celebrities who did it! And no, I do not believe they all had to go see fertility doctors. I got pregnant at 43 and never saw a fertility doctor once. If you take good care of yourself, take the right supplements, get enough exercise, eat the right foods, keep a positive attitude, and are able to fix or rule out medical issues... you can get pregnant! And by the way there are ways you can fix a lot of infertility issues... including blocked tubes! (I'm going to do a post about that).

In the last 5 years of TTC it's always been inspiring and fun for me to see lists of well-known women who have given birth in their 40's. Many of the lists I've seen would just feature about 10 people at a time, but I wanted a more complete list (and one that was sorted by age!). I tried to include as many Over-40 Mommies as I could find. Please note that the ages and info were compiled via information from Wikipedia and other common internet resources, so... I realize a few items could stand to be corrected, but to my knowledge it's pretty accurate.

Hopefully this list will inspire you. When I look at it, I think, "Wow... that's a lot of Moms over 40!" So don't give up hope! If you think of yourself as capable, young, and healthy, and you are taking great care of yourself, eating healthy, doing what you can to improve your egg health (see related post here) and you're still menstruating... there's a good chance you can still get pregnant!

In cases where I read an article or quote by the celebrity, that they had used IVF or a surrogate, I noted it. However, I realize many more of the women on this list could have had assistance with their pregnancies. If they choose to keep it private, that's their business. But it is nice to see women who are really honest about getting help! I have also included a few mothers who have chosen to adopt (in these cases I have noted it also). Good for these women for not letting anything stop them from becoming a Mom! : )

Here's the list... the age will usually represent the woman's age (to my knowledge) when they gave birth (in cases where they weren't new mommies, this is their age when they gave birth to their youngest child), or became a mom via surrogate or adoption. In some cases (like Molly Sims) I am listing celebrities who are pregnant and due to give birth. Again - If it was a known adoption or surrogacy, I will note it next to their name / age. I listed a couple of women twice (like Halle Berry... because she gave birth twice over the age of 40) but there are still 101 different celebrities on this list.

The list just keeps growing... the last time I posted this, there were 80 celebrities. I just added 21 more. I know the list will just continue to grow, but I thnk 101 is a pretty good number for now : )


 Emma Thompson - Actress, 40

Helen Hunt - Actress, 40

Jackie Brambles- TV Presenter, 40

Kelly Rutherford - Actress, 40

Gena Rowlands - Actress, 40

Jennifer Connelly - Actress, 40

Eva Mendes - Actress, 40

Jenna Fischer - Actress, 40

Yolanda Adams - Gospel singer, 40

Ulrika Jonsson - TV Presenter, 40

Katharine Ross - Actress, 40

Nia Long - Actress, 40

Audrey Hepburn - Actress, 40

Amanda Holden - Actress, TV Presenter, 40

Naomi Watts - Actress, 40            

Mary Louise Parker - Actress, 40


Annette Bening -Actress, 41

Thandie Newton - Actress, 41

Tina Fey - Actress and Comedienne, 41

Brooke Shields - Actress, 41

Helena Bonham Carter - Actress, 41

Alfre Woodard - Actress, 41

Carrie Grant - Vocal coach, 41

Courteney Cox - Actress, 41

Mo'Nique - Comedienne / Actress, 41

Garcelle Beauvais - Actress, 41

Halle Berry - Actress, 41

Jennifer Beals - Actress, 41

Jerry Hall - Supermodel, 41

Holly Robinson Peete - Actress, 41

Julianne Moore - Actress, 41

Kate Silverton - Journalist, 41

Pauletta Washington - Actress, 41

Madonna - Singer, 41

Mariah Carey - Singer, 41

Molly Sims - Model / Actress, 41

Mariella Frostrup - TV Presenter, 41

Meryl Streep - Actress, 41

Nicole Kidman - Actress, 41

Salma Hayek - Actress, 41

Molly Ringwald - Actress, 41

Mira Sorvino - Actress, 41

Kim Basinger - Actress, 41

Alyssa Milano - Actress, 41

Maya Rudolph - Actress, 41


Celine Dion - Singer, 42
Diana Krall Musician - Singer, 42

Jane Krakowski - Actress, 42

Mariska Hargitay - Actress, 42

Laurie Brett - Actress (Scottish), 42

Uma Thurman - Actress, 42          

Rachel Zoe - Celebrity Stylist / Designer, 42

Savannah Guthrie - TV News Anchor, 42


Caroline Quentin - Actress, 43

Carla Bruni - Italian / French Singer / Model, 43

Amanda Peet - Actress, 43

Michelle Duggar - Reality TV Mom, 43 

Christie Brinkley - Supermodel, 44

Gwen Stefani - Singer, 44

Iman - Supermodel, 44

Jane Seymour - Actress, 44

Sarah Jessica Parker - Actress, 44 (Twins via surrogate - also had a previous daughter)

Caroline Rhea, Comedienne, 44                  

Lisa Hartman-Black - Actress, 44

Marcia Cross - Actress, 44

Mira Sorvino (again!) - Actress, 44
Marcia Gay Harden - Actress, 44

Ursula Andress - Actress, 44

Diana Ross - Singer, 44

Meera Syal - Actress, 44

Sharron Davies - Olympic Swimmer, 44

Sarah Palin - Politician, 44

Kim Fields - Actress, 44                    
Sian Williams - TV Presenter (BBC), 44

Lisa Loeb - Singer, 44

Julia Bradbury - British TV Presenter, 44

Kathryn Morris - Actress, 44


Cherie Booth (Blair) - British Barrister (Wife of Tony Blair), 45

Mimi Rogers - Actress, 45

Nancy Wilson - Rock Musician, 45 (via surrogate)

Patricia Hodge - Actress, 45

Mary Stuart Masterson - Actress, 45

Monica Bellucci - Italian Actress and Fashion Model, 45


Sara Edwards - TV Presenter (BBC), 46

Deborah Thomas - Celebrity Apprentice Advisor, 46

Susan Sarandon - Actress, 46

Halle Berry - Actress, 46 (pregnant AGAIN!)
Viola Davis - Actress, 46 (Adopted)

Kristin Davis - Actress, 46 (Adopted)


Arlene Phillips - Choreographer, 47

Angela Bassett - Actress, 47

Holly Hunter - Actress, 47

Jane Kaczmarek - Actress, 47      

Geena Davis - Actress, 48

Kelly Preston - Actress, 48

Helen Fielding - Writer, 48

Nancy Grace - CNN Anchor, 48


Laura Linney - Actress, 49
Beverly D'Angelo Actress, 49 (via IVF)

Sonia Kruger - TV Host, 49


Elizabeth Edwards - Attorney, Author, Healthcare Activist, 50 (IVF)

  Janet Jackson! You go, girl. By the way, she has the same water machine I've been raving about : )


Cheryl Tiegs - Supermodel, 52 (surrogate)


Joan Lunden - Newscaster, 54 (surrogate)    

If you find any errors in this list, please feel free to email me the correct info at (I just ask that you include a link to your reference!)  Also, if you'd like to suggest a celebrity I've left out, please let me know!

Thanks, and good luck and baby dust to all you TTC'ers!