Friday, September 25, 2015

Oh yeah.... I'm ovulating. Big time.

I got my period on September 16th, so today is day 10 of my cycle.  I figured I was probably ovulating because yesterday (day 9 of my cycle) I went to use the ladies' room at Costco and there was a HUGE glob of eggwhite cervical mucus on the toilet paper (ironically I was in the same stall where I took a pregnancy test that confirmed I was pregnant about 4 years ago... what's with me and Costco)?

I can always tell when I'm ovulating because I start to smell different during that time. it's like the cervical mucus has a different scent... and it's one I've grown to appreciate. My husband has commented that he loves that smell. It's funny, he can be such a sweet and sensitive guy, I remember thinking a bunch of times when I first met him, this guy is too good not to be gay. My first boyfriend turned out to be gay so I've always been slightly paranoid that a guy is going to switch teams on me. Anyway... I remember that when my hubby said that he loves how I smell (down there), I thought... ok... maybe he's not gay. We recently celebrated 8 years together so... so far so good : )

Anyway... I've been having mittelschmerz "pangs" on BOTH ovaries for I think about 4 days now. No kidding. And they were strong. It's pretty weird that they were on both sides, too. Usually it's just one or the other.

Last month I got a few pangs but not like this. This month, it was to the point where it was almost annoying because it was slightly painful (more like a little "zing" here and there). Nothing unbearable, but if it got any worse I'd have had to have some ibuprofen.

Last month I think I ovulated during the first week of my cycle... it's been like that the last couple of months.

But I did something different this month....  I gave up sugar (at least, the excessive amount I was used to having).

I can't help thinking that has made a huge difference. One reason is this... I've been drinking this special water that is known to help the body quickly remove toxins and bring the body back into balance, and I heard that it isn't nearly as effective, when you add sugar to it. Well, I had been in the really bad habit of adding sugary powdered drink mixes to the water. Like Tang and iced tea. I went through a lot of stress in the last couple of years, and sugar became my drug of choice.

It makes me kind of sick now, to think of how much extra sugar I was consuming on a regular basis... day after day after day, for years, I was ingesting SEVERAL TABLESPOONS of excessive sugar (in the form of sugary drinks)... and wondering why I couldn't still figure out some way to get rid of candida. It's like someone eating a whole cheesecake every day and hoping to wipe out the fat by popping a couple of fat burning pills. It just doesn't work that way. You have to eliminate the SOURCE if you want to see real results.

But I will admit...the only reason I eliminated the source (sugar) was because I was just too busy to get to Costco and pick up more of the sugary iced tea mix I was used to drinking. So, I just made a bunch of tea, with lipton tea bags, and started drinking sugarless iced tea instead.  I found that it gave me a really good buzz, so eventually I just got used to it.  I was drinking iced tea, without sugar, for about a month, and then for the last 2 weeks I was too busy to even make tea, so I just started drinking this special water, with nothing else in it.

Not only did my period last an entire week (instead of the 5 days I've grown used to) but omg.... over the last month, my candida seemed to VANISH.

For years I have struggled with candida, in the form of athlete's foot. I've written about that before. And this is the first time that I've really just had almost no symptoms... for like a month! The water I've been drinking did help the candida to some degree, but nothing was able to TAKE IT AWAY like simply ELIMINATING THE PROBLEM. I am so happy!!!! Now, even if I have one of my usual "trigger foods" I can skip having a reaction, because my body isn't in "overload mode." It's awesome.

I have heard some women report that the water helps them with female issues, and a good friend of mine swears this reversed menopause for her, by about 5 years... actually she may have said 7, I forget. But it was a long time! She had been going through menopause and then when she started drinking the water, it stopped, and she got her periods again, for another 5-7 years.

Anyway, the other thing I wonder is if it really could have the power to unblock fallopian tubes. The reason I wonder this is, I am not used to ovulating on my right side. It is almost always on my left. When I did a hysterosalpingogram a few years ago, to see if anything was blocked, you could see that my right fallopian tube was slightly blocked.  Not completely, but slightly. It took longer for the dye to go through that one, than the other. So I always figured this is why I almost never feel any ovarian "pangs" on my right side.

Anyway, I have heard that there are ways to unblock fallopian tubes. If there is a lot of scarring, believe it or not there are things that have been shown to reverse the damage. And I can't help thinking there is a good chance that this water has reversed some of that damage, because this water has a lot of the same properties as those things that can get rid of scar tissue. Because I don't remember EVER feeling that many pangs in my right ovaries. Like I said, it was almost getting annoying! So I couldn't believe it when I could feel it on my left side, too, on the same day as my right. How many eggs is this body trying to drop on me at once?

Oh and by the way, about a week ago I did the candida spit test, and DIDN'T FLUNK, for the first time. I was so happy to see my spit actually floating in a glob at the top of the glass. After a while a few small "strings" appeared, but... it was MINOR compared to what I've seen in the past. My previous tests I did about 9 months ago looked like a giant jellyfish : D

Anyway... I just had to share that.  Ladies... if I keep mentioning the water and giving up sugar... you know why : )


Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Pregnant at 47? Hmmm....

For the last three days I've been experiencing many of the same symptoms as I had, just before I found out I was pregnant in 2012.  These symptoms (which are rare and unusual for me) include:

-REALLY bad lower back pain
-Diarrhea first thing in the morning

In addition, I felt nauseous in the morning, about 5 days after what I think could have been a possible conception date. I know, it seems way too early but a bunch of women said they felt nausea at that time, and also went on to have successful pregnancies. And I also had a really rapid heart rate, something I also googled and it seems a lot of women report this as a symptom of pregnancy.

Whatever the case, I took a pregnancy test and it's negative. And I took another and another and another and they're all negative (I thought maybe cause it was a cheap test from the dollar store maybe it wouldn't work but... I'm thinking it's probably accurate).

I'm not sure what would cause me to have those same crazy symptoms and can't help but wondering if it's possible for the body to become pregnant, but it has to go through a "waiting period" to determine if that little zygote is going to be viable or not.

UPDATE (an hour later): OK so I got my period this morning so I can forget the idea that those pregnancy tests could have been inaccurate since they were from the dollar store, or that they weren't working since they were a few years old.

But I still think it's funny that I had so many symptoms that were just like the time I got pregnant. I know there are some people who might say all those symptoms I had are just PMS symptoms, but for me, that is highly unusual. It's just not like me to get any of those things. I haven't had back pain for years (though it seems like I had it pretty bad when I was in the throes of all my TTC stuff).

I'm going to write about this later but... I have gotten to a place where I feel pretty OK with not having kids. I'm like... 90 percent ok with it. I think this is because I feel strongly that I still could get pregnant, if I wanted to. I realized that, for me, getting pregnant wasn't so much about NEEDING to have a baby, and needing someone to take care of and love me, as it was about wanting to know my body was functioning properly.

When you are unable to get pregnant, you feel really "left out" from this big group of women in the Mother's Club. But I just want to say to all the women out there, who have been struggling with TTC... I really think just about all of us COULD get pregnant if we really wanted to. But... how much would that change our lives? I realized, I'm pretty happy with my life the way it is now. I don't feel like I'm "missing anything."

I suppose I also have Facebook to thank for the fact that I feel that I've been able to live vicariously through other peoples' baby experiences, over the last 5 years.

Me and a friend of mine were trying to get pregnant at the same time, years ago. She spent thousands of dollars on fertility treatments and finally she and her husband decided to adopt. This friend of mine, whom I'll call Judy, is the PERFECT Mom. She is the kind of Mom who would ENJOY spending ALL DAY with her baby. And I have always imagined that I would NOT be that kind of Mom. That's not to say I wouldn't be a good Mom (my Mom was like the opposite of Judy, but I still consider her to have been a great Mom). It truly warms my heart to see Judy having so much fun with her daughter. She recently announced she was thinking of adopting another baby and I gasped out loud, joyfully, "Oh My God!" I was so excited for her. And not jealous in the least. I guess it's because I really feel like I could have had a baby if I wanted to, and a strong part of me feels like I still could.

I know some women might be reading this and say, Yeah Right! You're 47. But I have felt more fertile than I have in years. I've been drinking antioxidant water like my friend who swears it helped her turn back the clock on her menopause for 5 years, and am getting regular periods, a good amount of cervical mucus, and I feel like I'm ovulating normally. I recently also cut back on about 3/4 of the sugar I normally consume, so...I feel like my body is in a better position than ever, to have a baby, if I wanted one. And no, we are not using any birth control. So I really feel like it could still happen. But I'm kind of leaving this one up to fate.

I learned I really do value my "alone time." Because I like to write. And I like to spend 12 hours a day on my computer. I realize my entire life would change if I had a kid. I think the whole point of having a baby is to try to bring a good person into the world and do what you can to make it a better place. So if I did have a baby, I would do what I could, to ensure that this person was a good little human, who cared about this planet, was kind to others, and tried to make the world a better place. And if I don't end up having one of those little humans, it will give ME more time to do what I can to make the world a better place, and I plan to continue doing that by writing as much as I can (I know I haven't been doing much here on this blog but there are other projects I've been working on).

I can't help wondering if the fact that I gave up sugar was somehow causing some kind of detox reaction. I should probably write a separate post about this but I'll just try to say quickly that... I think I... no, I KNOW I had major issues with Candida, and that is DANGEROUS for a pregnancy, and can make it just about impossible to conceive. I was completely addicted to sugar. I'd have it every day, all day, in the form of powdered drinks. And it was causing really bad candida in my system. How do I know this? Because it gave me athlete's foot. Whenever I have too much sugar or yeast, my feet itch. If I  had beer, soda, a doughnut, bagel... you name it. My feet itched. But now that I've given up the daily sugar consumption... my athlete's foot has pretty much VANISHED.

There were things that would help alleviate it temporarily. The antioxidant water helped somewhat, and the acidic water our machine makes was able to wipe it out externally... but I could still feel the tingling on the INSIDE. Because its seemed that this is where the yeast or candida was somehow settling, and thriving.

An interesting thing happened when I stopped consuming sugar. My feet got WARMER. Like the blood in them was circulating better. I didn't think the circulation was that bad before, especially because I was consuming antioxidant water, but... there is only so much the water can do when a person is unwilling to take away the SOURCE of the problem!!

I read up on some of the side effects of giving up sugar and people can feel nausea, headaches and more. So maybe this is what I was experiencing... who knows.

Anyway, I took a bunch of Vitamin D (10K usually keeps back pain away but I bumped it up to 50K today). I also took Turmeric, B vitamins and a bunch of other vitamins, and the pain doesn't seem to be an issue right now. Knock wood. It was just killing me yesterday so I am relieved that it seems to be gone now.

Hopefully this will keep up!


Friday, February 13, 2015

Is It Possible to Turn Back The Clock on Menopause and Start Ovulating Again? PLUS: See how Nicole Kidman says she got Pregnant!

Ok ladies... I just learned about something big, and I mean... BIG. When it comes to TTC.

I met a woman who shared a story about how she actually turned back the clock on menopause, by drinking a special drink that has 10 times more antioxidants in it, than green tea. I know it sounds too good true but please hear me out... this is for real. And I know that there is something to consuming large amounts of antioxidants, because of what I learned about how pycnogenol helps reverse endometriosis and helps women get pregnant (and I can vouch that this really does work!!). And this drink has even MORE antioxidants than pycnogenol (but is way less expensive).

She said that, when she started drinking it, about 7 years ago, she literally felt like she had turned back the clock on menopause. I know that sounds too good to be true but I can tell you I started drinking the same stuff she drinks and she's for real.

I had kind of put the whole "baby thing" on  hold, but after everything I have read (about how this water seems to rejuvenate a woman's "female parts," I now feel 100 percent confident that I could get pregnant again in the next few years. Maybe it won't happen (and I'm actually ok with that too) but if it and when it does, I will be sure to report ALL the details here!!! So far this water has given me more energy and a positive outlook, it's making my teeth whiter, my hair and skin are softer, I'm sleeping better, my periods are great (bright red blood), and it also seems to be making my hair a little darker! And it's doing wonders for my hubby, who reports that THE WATER IS LIKE VIAGRA!!! And I am happy to say that it seems to be true ; ). I've also heard other men report this, too.

But about the woman I met...

In  her 40's she had a lot of "female issues" including fibroids, urinary tract infections, yeast infections, and endometriosis. She started drinking this water and not only did those things REVERSE, but her periods actually came back!!! She had stopped ovulating for a while and reported that, before she started drinking the water, she was getting all the signs of menopause: hot flashes, irritability, increased insomnia, and erratic menstrual cycles.

She also had difficulty breathing (felt like she was suffocating and constantly was worried she'd have heart failure), had heart palpitations, severe gum disease, tooth infections, severe acid reflux, bloating, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and horrible insomnia. She also had a stabbing pain from something that she suspects was a fibroid, and she almost went to the ER, but she didn't want to see a doctor about it because she knew he would probably insist on a hysterectomy. She also said she would get severe bronchitis once a year, but the water turned that around. It even seemed to reverse the FLU when she and her hubby started coming down with it!!

She said the insomnia made her put on a lot of weight, and she spent a fortune trying to figure out what was wrong. She tried all kinds of diets, supplements, alternative practitioners, including acupuncturists, chiropractors, homeopaths, naturopaths, and even went and got allergy tests and an EKG to make sure there wasn't something wrong with her heart!

The ONE person who was able to point her in the right direction was actually a spiritual healer who told her that her body was waaaaaay too acidic. LADIES, PLEASE RESEARCH THIS. I just found out that ALMOST ALL DISEASE IS CAUSED BY OUR BODIES BEING WAY TOO ACIDIC. This includes fibroids, endometriosis, cancer, diabetes, you name it. The ROOT CAUSE is that we are too acidic! The key is to make your body more alkaline! Disease cannot thrive in an environment that is too alkaline (look it up, it's true... which seems hard to believe since no doctor will ever mention this but... trust me on this one and yes please look it up for yourself!)

By the way, for anyone who has never heard the story about Nicole Kidman attributing her first pregnancy to having bathed in waters in , guess what? THOSE WATERS ARE ALKALINE (I looked it up). They are like the many healing waters of the world (that are considered Healing Waters because they have Active Hydrogen). Other places in the world that have these waters include Lourdes, France; Tlacote, Mexico; and Nordenau, Germany.

Nicole Kidman told The Australian Women's Weekly:

"I never thought that I would get pregnant and give birth to a child, but it happened on this movie.....Seven babies were conceived out of this film and only one was a boy. There is something up there in the Kununurra water because we all went swimming in the waterfalls, so we can call it the fertility waters now."

I imagine that she was probably drinking the water from the region as well. 

I thought about the time I got pregnant when I was 43, and realized, I was VERY alkaline at that time. I had stopped drinking sodas (omg sodas are SOOOOOOOOOO ACIDIC... just one 12 oz. soda will require 25 12-oz glasses of alkaline water to flush out the acidity). I was drinking lots of green tea, and I believe that the "Fertil Plus" supplements that I swear helped me get pregnant, also helped my body to become more alkaline. I had nooooo idea that just by making my body way more alkaline, I could greatly increase my chances of getting pregnant! I feel like I've discovered this HUGE SECRET to getting pregnant and just had to share this with you guys who take the time to read my blog! I do realize, maybe this is written in fertility books but I've never actually read any fertility books all the way through... most of the information I've gotten is online, or from standing at the library and skimming through fertility books : D.

Anyway, back to the story...

So, a friend of hers encouraged her to get a machine that makes this crazy kind of "healing water" (YES, I KNOW how kooky that sounds!). But the reason it is considered healing water is because it has active hydrogen in it, just like those healing water places I mentioned, like Lourdes in France. There are machines that really can make this kind of water!!! They do it through electrolysis. ONE IN FOUR households in Japan has one of these machines (we're just slow to catch on in America!).

In addition to seemingly being able to "turn back the clock" on menopause, she and her husband noticed that their hair was turning dark again (both of them were going gray), and she lost 15 pounds!Within days of drinking the super alkaline water (that's full of minerals and antioxidants), she had no more constipation, her heart palpitations went down from about 20x a day to 3x a day, and she was able to sleep great (for the first time in 10 years). Her teeth started to regain their bone mass (she could literally see the translucent parts turning white again... and I can vouch this happened to me, too!!!). Her receded gums started growing back again (though her doctor had said this was IMPOSSIBLE). She wasn't saying they were 100 percent healed but they were greatly improved. And her hubby's hair started turning black again (same thing  happened to MY hubby!!). So I can imagine that if it seems to be turning back the clock on aging for her hubby... that's probably pretty helpful for sperm, as well! In ADDITION TO YOUR EGGS!

She said that after 3 months of drinking the water, she started ovulating again (she was 48 and had not shown any indication of ovulating for several years. She had not had a single female infection since she'd been drinking the water.  The bloating and the IBS were gone. She was able to breathe more deeply. The heart palpitations practically vanished. Her knees and ankles no longer creaked and popped when she exercised. And her skin got really smooth and soft, including the skin on her heels (I can vouch the same thing is happening for me). And her acid reflux was GONE (this also happened to my hubby).

And just as a little side note.. the water really helped her dog, who was sick, blind, and deaf, and they were about to put him down. After drinking this water, his eyes became clear and bright again, and he lived another 4 1/2 years!

This water also helped me to reduce my symptoms of candida (though I must tell you, NOTHING will get rid of candida like getting rid of the SOURCE, which is SUGAR). Please see my post on candida, fungus and autism.. due to some things I've heard, and a ton of research I've done, I really believe there is a strong link between Autism and Candida!!!

You can get one of these machines for just $44 per month if you have a credit score of 600 or above. I couldn't believe what a cheap offer this is (the payments do go up after a year but it's interest free for the first 12 months). This woman can even show you how you can get this machine for FREE. IF THIS MACHINE REALLY DOES HELP YOU WITH INFERTILITY, IT WILL BE A HECK OF A LOT CHEAPER THAN GOING TO A FERTILITY CLINIC!!!

I have friends who couldn't get pregnant because of fibroids, blocked fallopian tubes and endometriosis (many naturopaths will recommend that to get rid of these problems, you should make your body more alkaline!). They've spent tens of thousands of dollars on treatments, and some were just plain unsuccessful (and either they gave up, or they ended up paying more money to adopt). THERE IS NO WAY TO MAKE YOUR BODY MORE ALKALINE, FASTER THAN YOU CAN IF YOU DRINK THIS WATER!!! To think that this machine could have saved them SOOOOO much money makes me feel like, I need to get on a roof and shout it out, to every woman out there!!!

This machine makes water that kills E coli, salmonella, fungus, staph, MRSA and other infections. She also treats her cats' wounds with this water!

Worth a try, anyway...